Saturday, May 25, 2019

sanity gone.

"Life's a big-ass drama. Tries to complicate her already complicated mind. There were times when she couldn't even understand herself or maybe she didn't want to. Hmm it's simply con·tra·dic·to·ry.
She mostly pens her expression and insecurities here but that doesn't fit her into the Emo label. It's just simply her expressing her tantrums to keep her"

Just another....

Yesterday was a tough day for me. I was tired. I hurt. I did little, got down on myself, and cried. But today was better. Today I was kind to myself, I did what I could, and I gave myself what I needed.

Whatever you’re going through, I wish the same for you: self-compassion to help alleviate your pain, permission to do only what you reasonably can, and space to take good care of yourself.

It was a good read.