Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It's been awhile.

WoW!! It's been a year since I've updated this blog. A lot of things had happened throughout last year though. Sigh.. Time really flew fast. And I'm OLD dy.
And yesterday was another lonely Valentine's. It wasn't that bad.. At least I was out with my *single* friends, Paul & ManYee to have a nice dinner & hit the movies later at Pyramid.

valentine triplets - cute chiq - man yee - me & paul - garage -

Seriously, DERAILED is really not that pleasing if it's not for Jennifer Aniston. It was really slow & a bit "3 star porn-y" at first but as the main actor (whom-I-still-don't-know-his-name) gets to put the puzzles together, finally got my full attention on the movie. Well, the ending was at least better than I've expected.

Now I'm sitting in front of my pc in office 16:38, trying to get my TGV drawings done meanwhile waiting for the supplier to meet up. Hoping that there's a remote to switch my mood.

Sigh. And I'm yawning again. That's all, I guess. Hope I have the 'urge' to update this blog again tomorrow.

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.

-Louis E. Boone

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