Sunday, May 28, 2006

New Blog Template

I was like wondering months ago, on how to change my blog template. I saw a few interesting skins but don't have the guts to.. I was like afraid if I change the template, everything will like 'destroyed' or changed. Nevertheless, last night was too lazy to continue my Minor sketches. I just scanned around for a few new skins aka template. I didn't have the thought to change mine, but just nose around. Then I saw this template. Hehe. Kinda caught my attention. And I got some pointers from Cass, as she also just changed hers I think..
So I did changed mine & I copied the whole html of my previous blog template just in case, I can't get this right. Anyway, I'm stil quite not used to the whole new template thingy yet, but trying to work it out right. Shit man. I don't know much bout the html thing le.. Can't add in the 'post comment' thing. the timestamp on when I post up & also my picture for profile. Sheeshh.. So for the meantime, any comments.. pls fill in my cbox... Hehe..
Sigh.. how now brown cow? Any experts outta there to lend a expert hand???

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