Monday, February 04, 2008

shopping bits

Went MidValley with Tess after design class this morning.
So kind of her, teman me shopping.. but MANA TAU in the end she bought more than me..
HmpH!!.. hahaa..
Their CNY deco so-so only hor.. duno why they like to hav that bridge thingy..
for curve's deco, click *here*
Tsk. Don't really "awe" it.. hehe.. get what i mean? No? nevermind.

Had Kenny Rogers for lunch.
Been sometime since I last had it. Much preferred this than Nandos.
Black Pepper quarter meal w/ macaroni cheese, garden potato salad & mashed.
Typical helping hor... oh.. with chocolate raisin muffin that tasted like chocolate butter cake.
And hot tea. Trying not to consume too much cold drinks nowadays.
Mom just gave me a long long long talk of "consequences" of drinking TONS of cold stuff.
Sigh. Konon my uterus or ovary or something lar.. will.. err.. *blank*

Walked the walk.. browsed the browsed..
Sigh.. whole MidValley.. i can't find something to buy.. as in i mean CLOTHES lar..
I still haven't bought my cny clothes.
Can't really find one piece that can really make me go GAGA over it..
How?? Shit lar.. Seriously nothing to wear for cny d.
Probably just dig back old normal wear and looked slightly new to wear kua..
since I doubt i'll be going anywhere special this cny. hmmm...

At least it didn't end empty-handed like it always do sometimes.. heheh..
I just song-song went in Vincci Plus to check out their heels..
Why Vincci Plus? Ermm.. supposedly i guess..
vincci plus means quality-plus.. glamour-plus, nicer-plus and classy-plus lor..
And service also PLUS.. ok lar.. errr giv them 8/10 even when they're busy..
Well.. their heels are seriously much nicer.. and also PRICE PLUS lor...
not that cheap.. and not that jinjang like "others".. lol

So... I came across this pair that at the first glance.. don't quite fancy it..
but the more i looked at it.. the more i wanted to have it.. RM159.90
probably cos of the discounted price made it all worth it.. 70%.. *runs around with glee*

DEFINITELY buy it larr... don't buy sohai stupid lor.. *chuckles*

hmmm.. seriously.. when u pay for the price.. the box also thicker..
the paper bag also quality sikit.. both the heels in the box also wrapped nicely and all..
salesgirls also smile wider sikit.. purse also flatter d.
sigh.. money si de culprit.. u tau? tsk tsk.

Nice a not my new heels?

eh HELLO.. not nice also must say nice ok.. don pour cold water la..
I damn like it lor.. nabeh u guys man... *ssss*

I think i need a shoe cabinet for my car.. *giggles*
'cos right now.. most of the heels that I normally wear are all chucked behind my car seat.
Anytime anywhere I need it.. just run to my car.. hahaha..
Those occasionally wear are all still sleeping in the boxes.. in my room lar..
Don't worry lar.. no hongkong leg 1 ok. HOR sim lar...


After dinner, i went window shopping at some nearby boutiques at BayuPerdana, Klang.
yeah.. with mom and sister.. to kill time for tonight..
There are like.. few rows, almost 10-15 boutiques in that area..
Clothes almost same.. some really LALA.. some quite CRAB.. some quite SOTONG..
only like 15% of the clothes there are acceptable.. but heels are really nice..
BUT i really need to stop buying shoes... I need clothes lagi urgently..
BUT obviously.. can't find any in these boutiques lar...

BUT BUT... walaoehhhh... I saw this piece that I MUST snap it down..


SIGH.. i know lar rat year this year... no need so RAT kua...
check out the highlighted areas... the mandarin label & the side tag means "new feeling"..
haahhaha.. sister laughed like mad when she saw this..
don't blame her lar.. teenager mar.. reaching full puberty.. let her be lar.. ehhehee

ANYWAY.. who will buy this undies??
i mean.. SERIOUSLY?? who???? WHO??? I really want to know.
Meant no harm okies.. -_-"

So who har???


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