Monday, July 31, 2006

my horoscope verdict

Little thoughts : To measure the man, measure his heart.

Came across this on the internet...

"Every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us"

No matter how unreasonable others may seem, I am responsible for not reacting negatively. Regardless of what is happening around me, I will always have the prerogative, and the responsibility, of choosing what happens within me.
I am the creator of my own reality.
When I [review my day], I know that I must stop judging others.
If I judge others, I am probably judging myself.
Whoever is upsetting me most is my best teacher.
I have much to learn from him or her, and in my hearts, I should thank that person.

If I trust all these shits & make it my motto of life, I'm So F*CKING STUPID!!!~


Today's horoscope verdict : Virgo

The Bottom Line
Move beyond old habits soon and you'll make some amazing, unexpected progress.

In Detail
Some of your old habits are getting a bit too old -- and they're not fitting into your lifestyle very well right now. Today your growing pains will start to make the changes you need to make clear to you. Adjusting your behavior is never easy, but if you look at the big picture and give yourself some small, attainable goals, it won't be as challenging as you fear. You need to focus on your personal growth as much as you can -- make yourself your top priority.


Somehow.. it's kinda true.. hehe

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