Saturday, August 05, 2006

do u really treat me as a REAL friend?

Little thoughts : I just don't like the way you're treating me. I don't like the way you throw all temper tantrums at me, either intentionally or unintentionally when the fact is I'm not the reason you're pissed. Then when your mind is clear, you come up to me & tell me you're sorry.. Why?? I'm not a puppet that you can throw me upside down then sew me up like nobody's business. I have feelings. I don't like to be blamed for nothing. I'm not born to attend your attitude problem. I just need to live my life for MYSELF.


Just got back from MSID (Malaysia Society of Interior Design). Great day with a bunch of don't-know-who-the-hell-are-they interior design students from Uitm, LUCT, SAITO, MIA & the list went on..

Lotsa of prizes we (UCSI) had won.. Everyone was screaming their lungs out.. especially Diana.. Hahaha..
The lighting competition - First
The Installation - None
The Corel Speaking - Third
The Placard - None
The Design Exhibition Booth - Second
The Design Medley Competition - Second & Third
The Young Designer Idol - Did not participate

7 programmes, won 4. Not bad what.. And this is our first year participation & the least amount of students compared to the rest. I might can get some pictures from Baizura or the juniors.. then if I'm kind enough, I might upload some.. hehhee


Today & everyday before today for almost a week, the last thing that I thought will bring tremendous heartaches & problems to me is you, my friend.

Who are friends? Why we need friends? What are friends exactly??

Friends, they know who you are and where you are from, they hold judgements and know who your other friends are.
There are 2 types of friends, the Honest Friend and the Back Stabber Friend.

The Honest Friend wants to be a counsel and sometimes your lover, they say all the right things and do all the right things its just they don't quite make it to that level or personal chat or interesting thesis that makes you say "yeah man".

The Back Stabber Friend is the friend that does and says all the right things but they hold that reserve that you never quit trust, or maybe you do trust them but they don't quite get it and normally end up telling all your secrets.

In knowing that I grade my friends I ask myself why do I do it. What is the point in knowing what person means what to you in your life? Aren't we all just friends at the end of the day? I guess not, otherwise I wouldn't hold some people in such esteem and others in interested repose.

What is my definition of friend, my definition is the person that needs me just as I need them, we use no one for I am one persons Backstabber as they are my counsel, unfair as that sometimes maybe, and I guess that's just the way it is.

To all my friends I really would like to say: No matter what you are to me, you teach me and I learn the bigger lesson is what builds up. Each day I f*cked up and you forgive me, or vice versa, thank you... from the bottom of my heart to the very top.


I live my life to fulfil my own dreams, my goals & myself.
I don't live my life to entertain you.

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